Career Plan Year 8 (2024-25)

Year 8 Aim:  Students will be encouraged to explore their own interests and motivations and focus on developing a broader understanding of the world of work, including the challenges and rewards of working.  

Rationale: This year builds on the work in year 7 and the focus on their understanding of careers, why it is important and its place in the community. Students will further embed their knowledge and understanding of careers education, the workplace and the rights and responsibilities within it. Students will continue to use Unifrog as a way of recording encounters, experiences, activities and research.  

Term 1

Careers Sessions: What are my interests?  

Students will focus on what their interests are, creating a collage around their skills, subjects and school life. Using the Unifrog platform students will research key words that have emerged from their collages, this will help them create profiles for what they are interested in exploring as careers pathways.  

Term 2

Careers Sessions: Rights in the Workplace 

In the second term students will build on previous knowledge on diversity in the workplace. They will gain a greater understanding of the world of work. They will be introduced to rights in the workplace including disability rights and The Equality Act 2010. Students will also identify the challenges and rewards of working and what success and achievement mean to them.  

Term 3

Careers Sessions: What careers will there be in the future?

In the final term students will research what careers there might be in the future. They will also look at how careers can affect climate change and careers that could be considered green jobs, students will record their research using their unifrog account. Students will finish the term by focusing on the transition into year 9 and prepare them for making decisions about their options at GCSE and how best to prepare themselves to choose.  

Enterprise Challenge: Students will be involved in an ‘Enterprise Challenge’ that will encourage communication, teamwork and co-operation skills.   

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