At Brian Clarke we offer a fully inclusive environment, we provide a caring and nurturing environment where students are able to thrive and feel safe and happy.
We have an ambitious curriculum that ensures that students ‘can become everything they are meant to be – to be able to live life in all its fullness’. We enable this to happen through high quality teaching and by understanding the needs of our individual children. In addition to this, we provide support through our ‘Achievement for All’ department. This team is able to monitor and support any students that have a barrier to learning.
Our AfA room is a place where students are able to go during social times. A place where they are able to complete work, socialise in a structured and safe environment, or sit quietly and engage with our Team 7s programme.
A culture of ‘achievement for all’ is embedded across our new school. Expectations are the same for all, and all routes lead to recognised qualifications.
Our ethos is an inclusive one. We support all our students to achieve their full potential through consistent high expectations of personal and academic development during their time with us at Brian Clarke.
Our staff are committed to providing an inclusive environment in the classroom for all students, to ensure the best possible outcomes for SEND students.
We have an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum which focuses on powerful knowledge, underpinned by pedagogies that enable students to know more and remember more. This is partnered with a rigorous approach to reading and literacy, a relentless focus on building character and resilience, having Teachers with excellent subject knowledge; skilled at adapting their teaching, modelling and scaffolding. This universal offer removes potential barriers for all students and supports those who are most able to excel.
All pupils with SEND will also have a Key Worker, who will complete reviews with them three times a year, to support their academic and personal development during their time with us.
Using transition data and information on entry and progression through school, there are selected interventions for those students who might require additional support outside of the mainstream classroom. This approach includes EAL students and In Year Fair Access (IYFA) students. The intervention selected will depend on the additional need of the student and could be short or long term. Examples include:
For the most able, selected interventions will include:
Targeted interventions are reserved for those with the highest needs (for example those with an EHCP). External reports are utilised to personalise advised interventions and support. Examples include:
All interventions whether targeted or selected are mapped against need. The structure of the school day facilitates the vast majority of interventions and students will only be withdrawn from curriculum time if absolutely necessary or appropriate (for example a new arrival to the country who speaks no English may require an intensive English Curriculum and selected immersion into appropriate lessons).
Most interventions will take place before or after school, to ensure that students can still access the breadth and depth of the pastoral and academic curriculum.
All of our staff are trained in effective pedagogies and approaches to support achievement for all. There are clear systems which communicate need and the strategies that teachers and support staff must deploy with identified students.
Supported by the SENDCo, our Teaching Assistants are educated in evidence informed approaches to both selecting and evaluating interventions. The Designated Teacher for Looked After Children will be present at every formal meeting for the CLA students that attend the school. They will also step in as the parent when appropriate (for example at parents’ evenings, options evenings, information and transition evenings) to ensure the CLA student’s journey through school is supported.
All parents/carers are invited in as part of the review process which takes place for each SEND student three times a year. We also hold SEND Parent forums during the year, which help us to gain an insight and feedback into our provision.
For any additional information, email [email protected], and direct the email to either:
Mr Bradley – SENDCO
Ms Miah – Assistant SENDCo
You can also contact the school: 0161 785 5085
Advice, Support & Guidance
SENDIASS is a free, impartial and confidential service which is independent of the local authority. This support is available to parents, carers or young people who are considering requesting an assessment of need and/or throughout the process of applying for a new Education, Health and Care plan.
Autism Services Directory is a comprehensive directory of services and support for people with an autism spectrum disorder, their families, and people who work with them.
Autism Services Directory
Please refer to the POINT website below if you require any independent advice, support, information or guidance for parents:
Other links of interest;
The Family Information Service
Children and Young People with SEND Local Offer
BCA – SEND Annual Information Report
The Brian Clarke Church of England Academy is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust
Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o The Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is and the phone number 0161 785 5082.