We want our students to be the best they can be and the best they are meant to be. Our families expect the school to promote learning, look after their children and ensure respectful behaviour in a calm, well-ordered, safe and happy community.
To achieve this, The Brian Clarke Church of England Academy promotes and explicitly teaches respectful, courteous behaviour which creates a positive, calm and orderly environment where teachers can teach without interruption, students can learn without interruption, people are listened to, restorative practice is embedded, and the whole community can flourish.
“The BC Way – Every Day”, sets out consistent expectations detailing what is expected of students and why this is important. Understanding why some things are expected is important so that we can all agree on the need for each rule.
“The BC Way – Every Day”
All members of the school community will treat everyone with respect.
If students have any concerns about the wellbeing of others they should report it immediately to a member of staff.
Students must always follow instructions and reasonable requests from members of staff.
Students must move around the school in a sensible, calm and quiet way.
Students must travel to and from school in a calm and dignified way, remembering they are wearing the school uniform and are therefore ambassadors for the school.
Students must be proactive in keeping the school environment clean and tidy. They must be respectful of the school site and never drop litter.
Students must not leave the school site during the day.
Students must be organised bringing books, necessary stationery and equipment to school each day.
Students are responsible for looking after their own property in school. They should avoid bringing valuable items into school.
Students must wear their school uniform with pride and in line with the school uniform policy. Coats must not be worn inside the school building.
Students must only bring items to school that support their learning.
All students should respectfully contribute to worship and reflection.
Expectations are as follows:
Treat all members of the school with courtesy and consideration in all circumstances, showing respect for everyone, as you would want to be treated yourself
Comply with and champion “The BC Way – Every Day”
Model good behaviour, to set an example in their attitude, learning and achievements
Wear school uniform within the school environment and when travelling to and from school
Show respect for the whole school environment and conduct themselves around the building in a safe, sensible, manner and show regard to others
This is a non-gum chewing environment!
Look after school property and be respectful of another people’s property
Aim for 100% attendance
Aim for 100% punctuality to school and each lesson
Bring equipment appropriate for the lesson
Follow reasonable instructions given by the teacher
Hand in homework at the time requested.
Mobile phones and other devices
Students are not allowed to use or access any personal devices during the school day which are brought to school. Any electronic devices or mobile phones brought to the school are the sole responsibility of the student. They should remain in a bag or pocket. If a mobile device is seen or heard it will be confiscated by a member of staff as per school policy
Work in partnership with Academy staff to ensure good behaviour and support students in their learning and progress.
Inform staff of any concerns
Respond to concerns raised by members of staff
Ensure students come to school correctly equipped and prepared to work
The Brian Clarke Church of England Academy is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust
Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o The Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is www.cranmereducationtrust.com and the phone number 0161 785 5082.