At Brian Clarke Church of England Academy Careers Education, Information and Guidance links to our mission to ensure all children can become everything they are meant to be- to be able to live life in all its fullness (John 10:10) We are committed to providing high quality aspirational experiences, encounters and guidance so that our students can make fully informed and ambitious choices about their future.  

The Brian Clarke Church of England Academy is proud to partner with local colleges, universities, apprenticeship providers, employers and businesses, parents and other external agencies to offer broad and effective support to our students. Our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) provision aims to: 

  • Ensure that all our young people become everything they can be and are meant to be. 
  • Provide all students with effective careers information, education, advice and guidance.  
  • To encourage students to make good choices and understand what they need to do to succeed in the careers in which they aspire. 
  • To give students relevant careers information and guidance through curriculum learning, one-to-one advice and a range of activities, encounters, events and trips. 
  • Offer individual impartial support to students to choose the pathway that is right for them. 
  • Expose students to the world of work through work experience placements as well as curriculum-related workplace visits. 
  • Enable students to consider their own strengths, skills and motivations and to evaluate how these impact future career decisions. 

The Brian Clarke Church of England Academy is a Careers and Enterprise Company School, and we work closely with our Enterprise Advisor to ensure that our students are well informed, inspired, motivated young people. We ensure through our external links that all our young people (particularly SEN) are provided with targeted opportunities and encounters with employers, colleges, training, apprenticeship providers and universities. An independent careers adviser will be contracted through Positive Steps to support the school’s careers strategy and guidance interviews. Our CEIAG programme is well planned and suited to the needs of our students, preparing them well for life after their journey at the Brian Clarke Academy.  

The CEIAG programme is delivered through the pastoral curriculum once a fortnight in form time. It is also incorporated into the wellbeing curriculum, careers activities, events, work experience and subject specific careers learning experiences. We aim to organise work placement shadowing for students as part of both careers and employment engagement in the summer holiday before commencing Year 11. 

The Brian Clarke Academy is committed to providing a planned careers programme that is monitored and evaluated termly in conjunction with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority to ensure it is meeting the statutory requirements for careers education and guidance.  


Throughout Key Stage 3 students will be provided with several meaningful encounters with local employers, further and higher education providers. This will take place through assemblies, visits and experiences both in and out of lessons. Information presented will cover post 14 options at GCSE, post 16 pathways such as Advanced and T levels, Technical Awards and Apprenticeships. Students will also participate in activities and presentations around further education, introducing academic routes such as University and Graduate Apprenticeships as well as preparation for the world of work.  

Careers Leads

The Brian Clarke Academy Careers Team

Miss S Coleman
Careers Lead and Assistant Headteacher  

Mr Jamie Sloan
Careers Enterprise Advisor- Schools and Family Manager at Manchester Science and Industry Museum 

Mrs Rubbi Bhogal-Wood
Careers Link Governor

The Careers (CEIAG) and Provider Access policies can be found here


If you think you can support us with events such as assemblies, work experience, mock interviews, small group talks or careers fairs please email [email protected] 


Our careers curriculum is planned to develop over the course of a student’s journey through their school career and, as such, has specific aims and objectives for each year group, written in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks and the CDI framework for schools.  

The Brian Clarke Church of England Academy is proud to be part of the Cranmer Education Trust

Cranmer Education Trust is a company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity registered in England. Company registration number: 07687709. Registered Office: Cranmer Education Trust, c/o The Blue Coat School, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SQ. The website address is and the phone number 0161 785 5082.