Year 9 Aim: To support students through the options process and ensure that they make informed decisions about what to choose at GCSE. To build aspirations and allow students the opportunity to explore careers opportunities in more detail, including challenging stereotypes.
Rationale: This year build on the work in Year 7 and 8, but recognises they are approaching an important transition point into Key Stage 4 and the start of their GCSE journey. Students will focus on exploring opportunities within different sectors, challenging stereotypes so that we can empower them to make decisions about their own desires and ambitions, not the expectation of others.
Careers Sessions: Pathways to Success
Students will identify their own skills using the Unifrog careers library to link which skills are important for different careers. Students will learn about different post 16 options and explore how pathways at GCSE, qualifications and skills lead to different progression opportunities linked with specific career paths. Students will be guided through the options process carefully considering the important factors when deciding on subject choices at GCSE.
Careers Sessions: Options Information Evening
Students and their parents will have the opportunity to talk to subject teachers and our Year 9 Pastoral team about post 14 options at Brian Clarke Academy.
Careers Sessions: Stereotypes in careers
Students will have the opportunity to explore the different careers within specific sectors related to the GCSE subjects on offer. Students will revisit their learning about the Labour Market- what it is and the different types. and Students will explore their pre-conceptions about careers sectors in advance of choosing their GCSE options. They will explore the impact of stereotypes on individual career choices as well as understanding that a range of careers can exist within a sector beyond the ones that they may initially think of.
Careers Sessions: Employment Rights and Transition to Key Stage 4
Students will focus on employment rights as a school age worker. They will learn how to create a CV and filling an application as well as calculating a monthly wage from an hourly rate or annual salary. Students will create an essential and non-essential expenditure list when creating a budget. All students will complete two evaluations. One is of their current knowledge of careers and post 14 and 16 destinations- that helps us to identify any gaps in their knowledge and plan sessions that will help in the future. The second is of the careers programme at Brian Clarke Academy. We would like to hear what they’ve enjoyed and what they’d recommend more of for our upcoming Year 9 students next year.
Enterprise Challenge: Students will be involved in an ‘Enterprise Day’ that will encourage communication, teamwork and co-operation skills.
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